What is Ballroom Dancing?
Do you know what ballroom dancing is? Are you wondering about it yourself because you saw it on TV? Or has someone asked you?
You might recognize it when you see it, but can you describe it with words? Do you know any of its history or classifications?
If any of these questions are true for you or interest to you, then keep reading into the following paragraphs to learn what ballroom dancing is, various styles, some of its history, how it is judged, and how many specific ballroom dances or styles are labeled and categorized within the modern framework.
Ballroom dancing is a style of formal dancing you do with a partner. Its origins can be traced to Western Europe, although it’s now something that participants enjoy at both competitive events and social gatherings around the world.
This kind of entertainment is one that has seen wide use in films, television, and on stage. Many specific social dances done by couples have gotten famous in ballrooms.
These include Foxtrot, Waltz, Cha Cha, Charleston, Merengue, Jitterbug, Polka, Swing, and Tango. Ballroom dancing in the United States was influenced early on by the onscreen duo of Fred Astaire with Ginger Rogers.
Fred Astaire and Arthur Murray
Fred Astaire and Arthur Murray further popularized ballroom dance with the establishment of dance studios across the country. In these and other dance locations, Fred & Ginger workshops and classes brought the “American Smooth” style of ballroom dancing to the masses.
American Rhythm is another style that gained popularity across the country. In Europe, ballroom dance contests became popular, featuring both professional and amateur dancers.
Vintage and classic dance groups both exist to this day. They are dedicated to performing and preserving many of the ballroom dances of the past Including The Twist, Mazurka, Quadrille, and Minuet, for instance.
Enthusiasts like honoring the origins from folk dances, often dancing in costumes that reflect a previous time and place that is assumed or known to be a source of particular ballroom dance.
In the United States, amateur ballroom dances are given levels which are specifically outlined by USA Dance.
Syllabus dancers are rated as Gold, Silver, or Bronze, whereas open competitors are rated by levels of Championship, Pre-championship, or Novice.
Professionals can attain levels identified as Open Professional or Rising Star. In ballroom dancing competitions, the dancers get judged on a number of specific criteria. These include but are not limited to connection, speed, posture, grooming, and frame.
The proper use of feet, ankles, and weight also matters, as does appropriate general body alignment. Every kind of dance has a specific set of dancing methods and movements.
Desert Classic Pre -Teen II Latin Final
In this video, you’re going to see some of the movements we just talked about previously:
When dancing is happening in a crowd, participants should move around the floor in a counterclockwise pattern, following a shared imaginary line of dance that is used in both the Foxtrot and Waltz.
Alternatively, the Swing happens in a more confined space, which makes it better for crowded dance floors.
People moving faster dance towards the outside of available floor space, while anyone moving at a slower pace gets more confined to the middle.
The entire notion of ballroom dancing first happened so that partners could dance together in ballrooms.
Traveling or progressive ballroom dances were often characterized by the long strides that resulted from partners traversing a dance floor.
Proper posture and correct framing were very important to ballroom dancing and continue to be so today. The need for a large area of the dance floor is the result of many factors. One is the frequent combinations of large steps.
Also, the partners’ upper bodies need separation, even despite framing which requires both upper arms and shoulders to stay in one line. Ballroom dancing happens in two primary styles, although there are others.
What are the Types of ballroom dances?
The two predominant groupings are American and International. The International style came from Modern or English styles of ballroom dancing. As mentioned earlier, it’s used in all international competitive ballroom dancing, even in North America.
In this video Leon from Passion4Dancing is going to elaborate more:
American Style Ballroom
The American style of ballroom dancing was an attempt to make the whole activity more social and less formal. On the other hand, modern social standards for dancing have evolved considerably, so by contemporary standards, even the American form of ballroom dancing is still very formal.
The American styles of ballroom dancing do require rather large dance floors. But, there are patterns in American styles of ballroom dancing that prove useful for doing dancing on even smaller dance floors.
For example, Waltz dances often have underarm turns, hesitation steps, and box steps that let dances have the chance to dance their Waltz as an actual spot dance. International ballroom dancing styles are often grouped into two categories.
Standard Style Ballroom
The standard style includes the Slow, Tango, Waltz, Foxtrot, Quickstep, and Viennese kinds of dancing. Whereas the Jive, Paso Doble, Ruma, Samba, and Cha Cha all fall into the Latin grouping. American styles of ballroom dancing are likewise broken down into two groups of their own.
The Smooth group includes Tango, Foxtrot, Waltz, and Viennese Waltz. Whereas the Rhythm group incorporates the Cha Cha, Rumba, Bolero, Mambo, and East Coast Swing.
One primary difference between the American and International styles of ballroom dancing is that international standard dances happen in closed dance positions. Whereas the American Smooth lets partners the possibility of opening up in many steps.
Here they can release their arm holds, which allows for dips, spins, and other various embellishments forbidden within International Standard. Another notable difference is that in International Latin, the hip action is achieved following steps onto a straight leg.
In American Rhythm styles, the hip action happens following a Cuban motion of flexing a knee after a step.
International competitions involving ballroom dancing use the international style of dancing, even if they take place in the United States.
On the other hand, pure performances across North America use the American style of dancing. American styles of dancing are also used on shows like So You Think You Can Dance or Dancing With The Stars, which might be where your curiosity about ballroom dancing started in the first place!
Basic Elements For Ballroom Dancing
“In this lesson, Anderson Moore teaches 3 basic elements that will have you ballroom dancing in no time. These 3 elements will teach you the waltz, rumba, cha-cha, and swing. Ballroom dancing has never been easier.”
Despite its historical origins, ballroom dancing is actually quite popular in contemporary culture, thanks in large part to the aforementioned television shows in the reality and competition genres.
Who could have thought that such shows would turn out to be a hit, much less revive the art of ballroom dancing in the way that they have?
It’s extremely fun if you can find a friend or partner willing to do it. You can get away from the daily grind of life and have some fitness and fun.
Pretty much anyone who can stand up can enjoy ballroom dancing, regardless of age or gender. It doesn’t take a lot of ballroom dancing to put you in better physical shape!
It’s even sexy and relaxing, and popular worldwide so you might get to show off your skills even when vacationing around the world.
Nearly everyone loves watching people doing ballroom dancing so you might be surprised how many people you know leap at the chance to take classes with you.
If you want to find local ballroom dancing, it’s not hard to find it. Many dance studios will either offer classes in it or specialize in it. You can also find schools offering classes.
Many websites also do online classes, but you might also find instructors that rent out halls or use a gymnasium. You might even meet the love of your dreams while there.
Originally published at ballroomdanceplanet.com on September 16, 2018.